Saint Francis Pain Management Center

赌博正规软件下载的疼痛管理中心帮助患有急性和慢性疼痛的人. With a specially trained staff on hand, 疼痛管理中心会检查你的病史和家庭健康史, identifies your source of pain, 并为您提供最有效的止痛方法.

赌博正规软件下载的t中心帮助患有急性和慢性疼痛的人. With a specially trained staff on hand, 疼痛管理中心会检查你的病史和家庭健康史, identifies your source of pain, 并为您提供最有效的止痛方法.

The team manages a wide range of conditions including:

  • Spine pain and chronic back pain
  • Low-back syndrome
  • 复杂区域疼痛综合征(CRPS) /反射性交感神经营养不良
  • Nerve damage
  • Cancer-related pain
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Postoperative pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Shingles
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Compression fractures


Nerve Blocks

局部麻醉或类固醇用于治疗各种慢性疼痛状况, including nerve damage, narrowing of the spinal canal, postsurgical scars and nerve damage from diabetes. They may also be prescribed during pain emergencies in adults, including postoperative pain, pain from pelvic and lower-extremity trauma, cancer-related pain, and a variety of other types of acute and chronic pain.

Radiofrequency Lesioning

Radiofrequency lesioning is a safe, 经过验证的阻断疼痛源和大脑之间传递的疼痛信号的方法. 这个过程加热一小块神经组织来中断来自特定区域的疼痛信号.

Spinal Cord Stimulation

微小的电信号被用来刺激脊髓,干扰疼痛信号向大脑的传递, reducing pain sensations.

Intraspinal Drug Infusion Therapy

一个小的可植入泵将小剂量的药物直接注入脊髓以阻断疼痛. 与口服或静脉注射方法相比,椎管内药物输注需要更小剂量的药物来缓解疼痛. Patients may have fewer side effects and greater pain relief.

Rehabilitation Services

Aquatic Therapy

水中疗法通过利用水的特性(浮力)促进了健身房使用的基本治疗技术, resistance, 支持和温暖)来挑战和加强病人的平衡, coordination, muscle, endurance, range of motion and tone.

Hand Therapy

手部疗法为失去活动范围的病人提供专门的治疗, 由于疾病或创伤而使手或手臂失去力量或耐力.

Neuropsychology Services

作为该地区唯一同时拥有神经心理学家和行为心理学家的医生, 赌博正规软件下载为因身体受伤而遭受情绪/认知问题的患者提供专业护理. 住院康复人员帮助病人发展应对技能, 建立适当的期望,并根据任何身体限制来调整他们的生活方式,以保持积极的人生观.

Occupational Therapy

赌博正规软件下载的职业治疗师和助理专注于提高独立性和改善生活质量. 这包括为患者制定个性化的治疗方案,以帮助他们达到社会目标, emotional and physiological effects of illnesses and injuries, including spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and dementia. 护理人员还帮助患者恢复日常生活活动, such as self-care, work and leisure.


75%的美国人都有过足部问题. At Saint Francis Medical Center, 在进行矫形之前,电脑系统会对脚进行扫描,生成每只脚的3d视图,以确保合适. Customized orthotics can be installed in running shoes, heels, dress shoes, work shoes or any other foot ware. 目标是提供增强的生物力学和足部对齐.

Pediatric Rehabilitation

专门的儿科康复项目支持跨学科的团队方法来治疗沟通, physical, social and behavioral needs. 治疗师在保持孩子在治疗过程中的积极性方面经验丰富.

Physical Therapy

通过练习和应用,促进和恢复正常的功能和发展, 赌博正规软件下载的物理治疗师和助理帮助病人克服受伤和其他身体衰弱的状况.

Recreational Therapy


Work Injury Training

工伤培训提供个性化的项目和治疗,旨在让受伤的工人迅速重返工作岗位. 治疗师使用各种资源在模拟的工作环境中创建特定工作的条件反射程序.


Monday: 7:30 am - 4 pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am - 4 pm
Wednesday: 7:30 am - 4 pm
Thursday: 7:30 am - 4 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 4 pm

Secondary Location

3250 Gordonville Road
Entrance 2, Suite 450
Cape Girardeau, MO 63703


Reviews for Saint Francis Pain Management Center

Barbara McKeon

Friendly receptionist. Appt on time. Nurses very confident and Dr Walker most compassionate. Did feel , time wise, 我在一个时间线上,在我离开之前,他们已经为下一个病人做好了准备. Do understand that is health care today. 此外,沮丧的是,下一个时间安排对我来说并不好,因为我要旅行. Next appt was then almost 4 weeks later. My symptoms do change. I have been put on the cancellation list. Thank you.

Joann Hemingway

I always feel like I’m being heard by Dr. Roumany. 当我需要进入他的办公室时,我可以在当天或后天进入

Jim Ames


Jessica Bishop


Sue Ragland

Excellent care as always from pain management.

Myra Gilliland

I like Dr Walker ALOT! He is a kind, informative, caring doctor, which is good, but more importantly he tells you like it is, helps you understand, and is always optimistic and upbeat. His staff is kind and respectful and helpful.

LouAnn Stokes

Susan Jackson is kind, empathetic, 理解并真诚地关心我的健康以及它如何影响我的生活.

Roey Fowler

Dr. Walker is kind and gentle. He talks you through the procedure. His gentle manner helps you get through it.

Gylis Selmeczy

Dr. Tobey is a very good doctor. He didn't rush through our appointment. When he asked a question. He allowed me to answer without interruption. 我觉得他是一个善解人意的医生,从内心做起,而不仅仅是为了钱. 很高兴知道世界上还有像他这样的好医生. Cause DOCTORS like him are very HARD to find. THANK YOU DR. TOBEY.

Daniel Adams

A #1 treatment everytime